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Academics Education

Electrical Engineering and Automation


Electrical Engineering and Automation

(1). Discipline Characteristics

The Electric Engineering and Automation is applied throughout the generation, transmission, distribution, conversion and applications of electric energy, focusing on the design, manufacture, operation, measurement and control of all types of electrical equipment as well as science and engineering technology issues in the interaction between various types of energy and electricity.

(2). Training Objectives

The graduates will be thrivingsenior professionals who are capable of conducting research, engineering design, technology development, manufacturing and operation in the field of Electrical Engineering and Automation. The graduates should maintain a solid fundamental knowledge of mathematics and electrical engineering theories, strong practical skills and extensive professional knowledge as well as modern science and technology knowledge including computer technology.

(3). Core Curriculum

Fundamentals of electric circuits, electronic technologies, signals and systems, fundamentals of electrical power engineering, power electronics, electric machinery theory, automatic control theory, power system analysis, electrical control technologies, power system protection and control, high voltage engineering, etc.