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About the School

The Communication Engineering Department


The Communication Engineering Department originated from the early years of the founding of the telephone and telegraph communications, radio communications and broadcasting and other related majors. In 2011, communication engineering department passed through undergraduate engineering education professional certification in the Ministry of Education with 6As. It has the strength of domestic and foreign well-known experts and scholars composed of teachers, currently with 34 teachers, including 10 professors, 71 percent of them with a doctorate and 62 percent with overseas experiences.

Students with excellent academic performances can be directly recommended to become master degree or master-doctor combined program graduate students to obtain further study. More than 10 doctoral students and nearly hundreds of master degree postgraduates are recruited by the Department.

The Communication Engineering Department has established long-term, stable exchanges cooperation programs with many international famous universities, such as with the University of Glasgow, the University of Leuven, the University of Georgia to develop a variety of "joint training Program", and with the "University of Toronto", "Australian University of South Australia", " Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, "Taiwan Chang Gung University" and other schools to set up short-term exchanges, exchange credits, overseas graduation design projects.