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通讯地址:天津大学电气与自动化工程糖果派对 26教学楼D317

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(1)      2024.01-至今     天津大学,糖果派对(中国)门户网站 ,教授

(2)      2019.07-2023.12   天津大学,糖果派对(中国)门户网站 ,副教授

(3)      2018.05-至今     天津大学,糖果派对(中国)门户网站 ,博士生导师

(4)      2017.01-2019.01   香港浸会大学,物理系,香江学者(博士后)

(5)      2017.05-至今     天津大学,糖果派对(中国)门户网站 ,硕士生导师

(6)      2016.01-2019.06   天津大学,糖果派对(中国)门户网站 ,讲师

(7)      2014.08-2015.08   美国凯斯西储大学,电气工程与计算机科学糖果派对 ,国家公派联合培养博士研究生

(8)      2012.12-2013.06   香港理工大学,电机工程系,研究助理

(9)      2011.09-2016.01   天津大学,电气与自动化工程糖果派对 ,控制科学与工程专业,博士研究生

(10)   2007.07-2011.07   天津大学,电气与自动化工程糖果派对 ,自动化专业,本科



(1)      神经疾病多模态数据特征挖掘

(2)      大脑神经疾病建模

(3)      闭环神经调控

(4)      类脑智能



(1)      2022.08-2027.07:科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目青年科学家项目“意识障碍中央环路功能闭环神经调控研究”,项目骨干(排名2/17),天津大学负责人

(2)      2022.01-2025.12:国家自然科学基金 面上项目基于深度脑刺激响应的基底核内部状态塑造与闭环调控机制研究,项目负责人

(3)      2018.01-2020.12:国家自然科学基金 青年项目帕金森β振荡的产生与抑制的-机制研究,项目负责人

(4)      2017.01-2019.01:国家香江学者计划项目复杂大脑动力学:分析和建模,项目负责人

(5)      2020.04-2022.03:天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究青年项目数据驱动的帕金森疾病建模与控制研究,项目负责人

(6)      2017.04-2020.03:天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究青年项目自适应深度脑刺激控制系统的设计,项目负责人

(7)      2020.01-2021.07:兰州交通大学光电技术与智能控制教育部重点实验室开放课题项目基于自适应延时反馈的闭环噪声深度脑刺激系统设计,项目负责人

(8)      2018.08-2020.01兰州交通大学光电技术与智能控制教育部重点实验室开放课题项目深度脑刺激植入式电极陈列的时空优化,项目负责人

(9)      2020.01-2021.12:天津大学自主创新基金数据驱动的帕金森疾病建模与控制研究,项目负责人

(10)   2017.01-2017.12:天津大学自主创新基金延时反馈闭环DBS控制系统设计,项目负责人

(11)   2017.01-2019.12:国家自然科学基金青年项目树突非线性对电场作用下神经编码的影响机制研究,第一参与人

(12)   2015.01-2018.12:国家自然科学基金面上项目神经元固有特性对针刺网络编码影响的机制研究,项目参与人

(13)   2014.01-2017.12:国家自然科学基金面上项目帕金森状态的建模及DBS闭环控制研究,项目参与人

(14)   2014.01-2016.12:国家自然科学基金青年基金针刺足三里穴丘脑核团电信息的网络编码机制研究,项目参与人

(15)   2019.04-2022.03:天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究面上项目基于FPGA的多尺度类脑计算研究,第一参与人

(16)   2023.01-2025.12:天津市中医药重点领域科研课题“针灸对帕金森病患者脑电网络作用机制研究”,第一参与人

(17)   2022.07-2025.06:天津市卫生健康科技项目面上项目基于多种生物标记的帕金森病认知障碍早期预警系统研究,项目主要参加人



到目前为止,已发表学术论文113篇,其中SCI检索论文82篇,第一/通讯作者SCI论文50篇。第一/通讯作者SCI论文中,包括中科院一区/二区论文39TOP期刊论文20IEEE Transactions会刊一区/二区论文14论文主要发表在Brainnpj Parkinson's DiseaseIEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning SystemsIEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemsIEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health InformaticsNeuroImageNeural NetworksInternational Journal of Neural SystemsJournal of Neural Engineering、《中国科学》等重要刊物。论文总引用1300余次,H指数24SCI论文影响因子合计400.811(第一/通讯作者SCI论文影响因子合计267.979)





(1)      Jiawei Liang, Weitong Liu, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Siyuan Chang, Chen Liu*. NClSilico: A closed-loop neuromodulation platform in silico. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 90 (2024) 105829. (SCI二区, IF: 4.9)

(2)      Jixuan Wang, Bin Deng, Jiang Wang, Lei Xiang, Tianshi Gao, Haitao Yu, Chen Liu*. Multi-origins of pathological theta oscillation from neuron to network inferred by a combined data and model study with cubature Kalman filter. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 137 (2024) 108164. (SCI二区(TOP), IF : 3.4)

(3)      Luxiao Zhang#, Xiao Shen#, Chunguang Chu#, Shang Liu, Jiang Wang, Yanlin Wang, Jinghui Zhang, Tingyu Cao, Fei Wang*, Xiaodong Zhu*, Chen Liu*. Deep-learning-optimized microstate network analysis for early Parkinson's disease with mild cognitive impairment. Cognitive Neurodynamics online (2024). (SCI, IF: 3.1)

(4)      Chunguang Chu#, Shang Liu#, Naying He#, Zhitong Zeng, Jiang Wang, Zhen Zhang, Kristina Zeljic, Odin van der Stelt, Bomin Sun, Fuhua Yan, Chen Liu*, Dianyou Li*, Chencheng Zhang*. Subthalamic stimulation modulates motor network in Parkinson’s disease Recover, relieve and remodel. Brain 146(7) (2023) 2780-2791. (SCI一区(TOP), IF : 10.6)

(5)      Chunguang Chu, Zhen Zhang, Jiang Wang, Zhen Li,Xiao Shen, Xiaoxuan Han, Lipeng Bai, Chen Liu*, Xiaodong Zhu*, Temporal and spatial variability of dynamic microstate brain network in early Parkinson’s disease. npj Parkinson's Disease 9 (2023) 57. (SCI一区, IF : 6.7)

(6)      Chunguang Chu, Zhen Zhang, Zhenxi Song, Zifan Xu, Jiang Wang, Fei Wang, Wei Liu, Liying Lu, Chen Liu*, Xiaodong Zhu*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. An enhanced EEG microstate recognition framework based on deep neural network an application to Parkinson’s disease. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27(3) (2023) 1307-1318. (SCI二区(TOP), IF : 6.7)

(7)      Ming Yang, Jiang Wang, Shanshan Li, Kuanchuan Wang, Wei Yue, Chen Liu*. Adaptive closed-loop paradigm of electrophysiology for neuron models. Neural Networks 165 (2023) 406-419. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 6)

(8)      Jixuan Wang, Bin Deng, Tianshi Gao, Guosheng Yi, Chen Liu*. Deep learning depends on segregated dendritic compartments and spike frequency adaptation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement 72 (2023) 2508411. (SCI二区, IF : 5.6)

(9)      Chen Liu, Zhiqi Jiang, Shang Liu, Chunguang Chu*, Jiang Wang*, Wei Liu, Yanan Sun, Mengmeng Dong, Qingqing Shi, Pengcheng Huang, Xiaodong Zhu*. Frequency-dependent microstate characteristics for mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 31 (2023) 4115-4124. (SCI二区, IF: 4.8)

(10)   Guosheng Yi, Yanbo Wang, Liufang Wang, Chunguang Chu*, Jiang Wang, Xiao Shen, Xiaoxuan Han, Zhen Li, Lipeng Bai, Zhuo Li, Rui Zhang, Yanlin Wang, Xiaodong Zhu*, Chen Liu*. Capturing the abnormal brain network activity in early Parkinson's disease with mild cognitive impairment based on dynamic functional connectivity. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 31 (2023) 1238-1247. (SCI二区, IF: 4.8)

(11)   Chunguang Chu, Zhen Zhang, Jiang Wang, LiufangWang, Xiao Shen, Lipeng Bai, Zhuo Li, Mengmeng Dong, Chen Liu*, Guosheng Yi*, Xiaodong Zhu*. Evolution of brain network dynamics in early Parkinson’s disease with mild cognitive impairment. Cognitive Neurodynamics 17(3) (2023) 681-694. (SCI二区, IF: 3.1)

(12)   Siyuan Chang, Jiang Wang, Yulin Zhu, Xile Wei, Bin Deng, Huiyan Li, Chen Liu*. Nonlinear dynamical modeling of neural activity using volterra series with improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. Cognitive Neurodynamics 17(2) (2023) 467-476. (SCI二区, IF: 3.1)

(13)   Haitao Yu, Zihan Meng, Huiyan Li, Chen Liu*, Jiang Wang. Intensity-varied closed-loop noise stimulation for oscillation suppression in the Parkinsonian state. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (9) (2022) 9861-9870. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 11.8)

(14)   Chunguang Chu#, Naying He#, Kristina Zeljic#, Zhen Zhang, Jiang Wang, Jun Li, Yu Liu, Youmin Zhang, Bomin Sun, Dianyou Li, Fuhua Yan*, Chencheng Zhang*, Chen Liu*. Subthalamic and pallidal stimulation in Parkinson’s disease induce distinct brain topological reconstruction. NeuroImage 255 (2022) 119196. (SCI一区(TOP), IF : 5.7)

(15)   Chen Liu, Yutong Yao, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Hao Wu*, Kenneth A. Loparo, Chris Fietkiewicz. Oscillation suppression effects of intermittent noisy deep brain stimulation induced by coordinated reset pattern based on a computational model. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 73 (2022) 103466. (SCI二区, IF: 5.1)

(16)   Kuanchuan Wang, Jiang Wang, Yulin Zhu, Huiyan Li, Chen Liu*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Adaptive closed-loop control strategy inhibiting pathological basal ganglia oscillations. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 77 (2022) 103776. (SCI二区, IF: 5.1)

(17)   Weitong Liu#, Siyuan Chang#, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*. A real-time hardware experiment platform for closed-loop electrophysiology. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 30 (2022) 380-389. (SCI二区, IF: 4.9)

(18)   Xiaoxia Yang, Zhen Li, Lipeng Bai, Xiao Shen, Fei Wang, Xiaoxuan Han, Rui Zhang, Zhuo Li, Jinghui Zhang, Mengmeng Dong, Yanlin Wang, Tingyu Cao, Shujun Zhao, Chunguang Chu*, Chen Liu*, Xiaodong Zhu*. Association of plasma and electroencephalography markers with motor subtypes of Parkinson’s disease. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 14 (2022) 911221. (SCI二区,IF: 4.8)

(19)   Jixuan Wang, Bin Deng, Tianshi Gao, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*. Modulation of cortical oscillations by periodic electrical stimulations is frequency-dependent. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 110 (2022) 106356. (SCI二区(TOP), IF : 3.9)

(20)   Wei Zhang, Shujuan Qiu, Teng Li, Chunguang Chu, Liufang Wang, Jiang Wang, Zhen Zhang, Ruixin Wang, Xiao Shen, Zhen Li, Zhui Li, Rui Zhang, Chen Liu*, Xiaodong Zhu*. Analysis of brain functional network based on EEG signals for early-stage Parkinson’s disease detection. IEEE Access 10 (2022) 21347-21358. (SCI三区, IF: 3.9)

(21)   Haitao Yu, Quanfa Zhao, Shanshan Li, Kai Li, Chen Liu*, Jiang Wang. Decoding digital visual stimulation from neural manifold with fuzzy leaning on cortical oscillatory dynamics. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 16 (2022) 852281. (SCI, IF: 3.2)

(22)   Xile Wei, Yulin Bai, Jiang Wang, Siyuan Chang, Chen Liu*. Parkinsonian oscillations and their suppression by closed-loop deep brain stimulation based on fuzzy concept. Chinese  Physics B 31 (12) (2022) 128701. (SCI三区, IF: 1.7)

(23)   Chen Liu, Changsong Zhou*, Jiang Wang*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Delayed feedback-based suppression of pathological oscillations in a neural mass model. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 51(10) (2021) 5046-5056. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 19.118)

(24)   Yulin Zhu, Jiang Wang, Siyuan Chang, Huiyan Li, Bin Deng, Chen Liu*. Adaptive parameter modulation of deep brain stimulation in a computational model of basal ganglia-thalamic network. Nonlinear Dynamics 106(1) (2021) 945-958. (SCI二区, IF: 5.741)

(25)   Chunguang Chu, Zhen Zhang, Jiang Wang, Shang Liu, Fei Wang, Yanan Sun, Xiaoxuan Han, Zhen Li, Xiaodong Zhu*, Chen Liu*. Deep learning reveals personalized spatial spectral abnormalities of high delta and low alpha bands in EEG of patients with early Parkinson’s disease. Journal of Neural Engineering 18 (2021) 066036. (SCI二区, IF: 5.043)

(26)   Chen Liu, Ge Zhao, Zihan Meng, Changsong Zhou, Xiaodong Zhu, Wei Zhang, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li*, Hao Wu, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Closing the loop of DBS using the beta oscillations in cortex. Cognitive Neurodynamics 15 (2021) 1157-1167. (SCI二区, IF :3.473)

(27)   Chen Liu, Changsong Zhou*, Jiang Wang*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. The role of coupling connections in a model of the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamocortical neural loop for the generation of beta oscillations. Neural Networks 123 (2020) 381-392. (SCI二区, IF: 8.05)

(28)   Haitao Yu, Lin Zhu, Jiang Wang, Lihui Cai, Chen Liu*, Nan Shi, Jing Liu. Variation of functional brain connectivity in epileptic seizures: an EEG analysis with cross-frequency phase synchronization. Cognitive Neurodynamics 14 (2020) 35-49. (SCI一区(TOP), IF :5.082)

(29)   Chunguang Chu#, Xing Wang#, Lihui Cai, Lei Zhang, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*, Xiaodong Zhu*. Spatiotemporal EEG microstate analysis in drug-free patients with Parkinson’s disease. NeuroImage-Clinical 25 (2020) 102132. (SCI二区(TOP), IF :4.881)

(30)   Chen Liu, Ge Zhao, Jiang Wang*, Hao Wu*, Huiyan Li*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Neural network-based closed-loop deep brain stimulation for modulation of pathological oscillation in Parkinson’s disease. IEEE Access 8 (2020) 161067-161079. (SCI(TOP), IF: 3.367)

(31)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng*, Huiyan Li, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Noise-induced improvement of the Parkinsonian state: a computational study. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 49(10) (2019) 3655-3664. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 11.079)

(32)   Shuangming Yang, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Chen Liu*, Huiyan Li, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Real-time neuromorphic system for large-scale conductance-based spiking neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 49(7) (2019) 2490-2503. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 11.079)

(33)   Shuangming Yang, Bin Deng, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*, Huiyan Li, Qianjin Lin, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Design of hidden-property-based variable universe fuzzy control for movement disorders and its efficient reconfigurable implementation. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 27(2) (2019) 304-318. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 9.518)

(34)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Huiyan Li, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Modeling and analysis of beta oscillations in the basal ganglia. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 29(5) (2018) 1864-1875. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 11.683)

(35)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Changsong Zhou*, Kenneth A. Loparo. Mathematical modeling for description of oscillation suppression induced by deep brain stimulation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26(9) (2018) 1649-1658. (SCI二区(TOP), IF: 3.478)

(36)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Meili Lu, Bin Deng, Haitao Yu, Xile Wei*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Closed-loop modulation of the pathological disorders of the basal ganglia network. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 28(2) (2017) 371-382. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 7.982)

(37)   Chen Liu, Yulin Zhu, Fei Liu, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Bin Deng*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Neural mass models describing possible origin of the excessive beta oscillations correlated with Parkinsonian state. Neural Networks 88 (2017) 65-73. (SCI二区, IF: 7.197)

(38)   Yulin Zhu, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Bin Deng, Chen Liu*. Modulation of Parkinsonian state with uncertain disturbance based on sliding mode control. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 25(11) (2017) 2026-2034. (SCI二区(TOP), IF: 3.972)

(39)   Shuangming Yang, Bin Deng, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Chen Liu*, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Efficient implementation of a real-time estimation system for thalamocortical hidden Parkinsonian properties. Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 40152. (SCI三区, IF : 4.122)

(40)   Fei Su, Bin Deng, Hongji Li, Shuangming Yang, Yingmei Qin, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*. FPGA-based hardware simulation of nonlinear auto-regressive Volterra model to reconstruct the single neuron spike pattern. International Journal of Modern Physics B 31(31) (2017) 1750238. (SCI四区, IF: 0.769)

(41)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng*, Xile Wei, Haitao Yu, Huiyan Li, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. Closed-loop control of tremor-predominant Parkinsonian state based on parameter estimation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering 24(10) (2016) 1109-1121. (SCI二区, IF : 3.410)

(42)   Fei Liu, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*, Huiyan Li, Bin Deng, Chris Fietkiewicz, Kenneth A. Loparo. A neural mass model of basal ganglia nuclei simulates pathological beta rhythm in Parkinson's disease. Chaos 26(12) (2016) 123113. (SCI三区, IF : 2.283)

(43)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang, Haitao Yu*, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Huiyan Li, Kenneth A. Loparo, Chris Fietkiewicz. Dynamical analysis of Parkinsonian state emulated by hybrid Izhikevich neuron models. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 28(1-3) (2015) 10-26. (SCI二区, IF : 2.834)

(44)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng*, Xile Wei, Haitao Yu, Huiyan Li. Variable universe fuzzy closed-loop control of tremor predominant Parkinsonian state based on parameter estimation. Neurocomputing 151(3) (2015) 1507-1518. (SCI二区, IF : 2.392)

(45)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, Kaiming Tsang, Wailok Chan, Yiukwong Wong. The effects of time delay on the stochastic resonance in feed-forward-loop neuronal network motifs. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19(4) (2014) 1088-1096. (SCI二区, IF : 2.866)

(46)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Huiyan Li, Zhiqin Xue, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Model-based iterative learning control of Parkinsonian state in thalamic relay neuron. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 19(9) (2014) 3255-3266. (SCI二区, IF : 2.866)

(47)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Lin Wang, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Kaiming Tsang, Wailok Chan. Multiple synchronization transitions in scale-free neuronal networks with electrical and chemical hybrid synapses. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 59 (2014) 1-12. (SCI四区, IF : 1.448)

(48)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Yingyuan Chen, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Huiyan Li. Closed-loop control of the thalamocortical relay neuron’s Parkinsonian state based on slow variable. International Journal of Neural Systems 23(4) (2013) 1350017. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 6.056)

(49)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Kaiming Tsang, Wailok Chan. Impact of delays on the synchronization transitions of modular neuronal networks with hybrid synapses. Chaos 23(3) (2013) 033121. (SCI三区, IF : 1.761)

(50)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Jianbing Sun, Yingyuan Chen. The effects of time delay on the synchronization transitions in a modular neuronal network with hybrid synapses. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 47(1) (2013) 54-65. (SCI四区, IF : 1.503)

(51)   王江,刘维桐,常思远,梁家伟,刘晨*. 实时动态闭环电生理硬件在环平台设计与实现. 天大学报 56(7) (2023) 735-744.

(52)   刘晨, 王江, 邓斌*, 魏熙乐, 于海涛, 李会艳. 帕金森状态的慢变量反馈模糊控制.中国科学:信息科学 45 (2015) 439-456.

(53)   Chen Liu, Zhiqi Jiang, Jiang Wang*, Xiaodong Zhu. Deep brain stimulation reshapes the brain’s internal state observed by microstate-improved brain network analysis. 2024 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2024.05,  (2024) .(EI)

(54)   Weitong Liu, Bin Deng, Fangzhou Hu, Bo Gong, Siyuan Chang, Tong Li,Yuxin Wang, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*. Model-based closed-loop seizure suppression algorithm development and hardware implementation. 2024 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2024.05, (2024).(EI)

(55)   Kuanchuan Wang, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*, Yulin Zhu. A deep brain stimulation optimization strategy based on actor-critic network. 2024 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2024.05, (2024) .(EI)

(56)   Jixuan Wang, Bin Deng, Tianshi Gao, Bo Gong, Weitong Liu, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*. Multi-compartment structure optimizes the deep learning network from the biophysical perspective. 2023 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2023.05, Malaysia (2023) online.(EI)

(57)   Chen Liu, Lingmin Han, Siyuan Chang*, Jiang Wang, An accelerometer-based wearable multi-node motion detection system of freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease. 2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC) 2022.5, Ottawa (2022) 1-5.(EI)

(58)   Chen Liu, Zhiqi Jiang, Jiang Wang*, Yuxin Wang, Xiaodong Zhu. Topological abnormalities of brain functional networks based on microstates in early Parkinson’s disease. Proceedings of the 43th Chinese Control Conference. 2024.07, Kunming. (2024). (EI)

(59)   Chen Liu, Wenjing Li, Weitong Liu, Jiang Wang*. Kalman estimation of the hidden states in basal ganglia-thalamic network. Proceedings of the 43th Chinese Control Conference. 2024.07, Kunming. (2024). (EI)

(60)   Yuxin Wang, Zhen Zhang, Jiang Wang, Xiaodong Zhu, Xuze Bai, Chen Liu*. Temporal variability analysis of frequency-optimized Parkinsonian mild cognitive impairment’s microstate network. Proceedings of the 43th Chinese Control Conference. 2024.07, Kunming. (2024). (EI)

(61)   Chen Liu*, Shuai Wang, Jiang Wang, Jixuan Wang. Push-pull network effects of brain oscillatory activity in disorders of consciousness. Proceedings of the 42th Chinese Control Conference. 2023.07, Tianjin. (2023) 409-414. (EI)

(62)   Yuxin Wang, Zhen Zhang, Jiang Wang, Haitao Yu, Yulin Zhu, Chen Liu*. Recurrent neural network modeling and low-dimensional analysis of Parkinson’s dynamics. Proceedings of the 42th Chinese Control Conference. 2023.07, Tianjin. (2023) 8205-8210. (EI)

(63)   Chen Liu, Shang Liu, Chunguang Chu, Jiang Wang, Lihui Cai*. Spatiotemporal electroencephalography microstate analysis in disorders of consciousness. Proceedings of the 41th Chinese Control Conference. 2022.07, Hefei. (2022) 3008-3013. (EI)

(64)   Haitao Yu, Chaofan Wang, Kai Li, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*. Resonance Dynamics and Latent Manifolds in Cortical Neural Networks with Temporal Interference Stimulation. Proceedings of the 41th Chinese Control Conference. 2022.07, Hefei (2022) 5717-5722. (EI)

(65)   Ming Yang, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*, Wei Yue. Adaptive supervisory control of epilepsy in a neural mass model. Proceedings of the 41th Chinese Control Conference. 2022.07, Hefei (2022) 5699-5704. (EI)

(66)   Chen Liu, Ge Zhao, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li. Parkinsonian state online modulation based on BP neural network. Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference. 2020.07, Shenyang (2020) 7100-7105. (EI)

(67)   Bin Deng, Xinlei Li, Siyuan Chang, Huiyan Li, Chen Liu*, Jiang Wang, Xile Wei. A Real-time on-demand deep brain stimulation device design and validation. Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference. 2020.07, Shenyang (2020) 5845-5849. (EI)

(68)   Chaobo Lu, Bin Deng, Yulin Zhu, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu*. Effect of DBS targeting striatum on beta oscillations in Parkinson’s disease. Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference. 2019.07, Guangzhou. (2019) 502-507. (EI)

(69)   Chen Liu, Jiang Wang, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Vibrational resonance on modular neuronal networks, Proceedings of the 31th Chinese Control Conference. 2012.07, Hefei. (2012) 7388-7392. (EI)


(1)      Haitao Yu*, Zhihua Zhu, Chaofan Wang, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu. Kinematic-driven human-robot interaction system with deep learning for flexible acupuncture needling manipulations. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (2024) online. (SCI二区, IF: 5.1)

(2)      Bo Gong, Jiang Wang, Gaohua Cai, Pengfei Xu, Siyuan Chang, Zhen Zhang, Chen Liu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei*. Scalable multi-hierarchy embedded platform for neural population simulations. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical circuits and systems 18(1) (2024) 16-26. (SCI二区, IF: 5.1)

(3)      Tong Li, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Shanshan Li, Kuanchuan Wang, Siyuan Chang*. Adaptive fuzzy iterative learning control based neurostimulation system and in-silico evaluation. Cognitive Neurodynamics (2023) online. (SCI二区, IF :3.7)

(4)      Haitao Yu, Dongliang Liu, Shanshan Li, Jiang Wang, Jing Liu*, Chen Liu. Probing the flexible internal state transition and low-dimensional manifold dynamics of human brain with acupuncture. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 82 (2022) 104494. (SCI二区, IF: 5.076)

(5)      Haitao Yu, Chaofan Wang, Kai Li, Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Jiang Liu. Oscillatory resonance and dynamic manifolds in cortical networks with time delay and multiple external stimuli. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 30 (2022) 2097-2106. (SCI二区(TOP), IF: 4.9)

(6)      Yulin Zhu, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Chen Liu, Warren M. Grill*. Adaptive parameter modulation of deep brain stimulation based on improved supervisory algorithm. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15 (2021) 750-806. (SCI三区, IF: 5.152)

(7)      Siyuan Chang, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Guosheng Yi, Meili Lu, Yanqiu Che, Xile Wei*. A data driven experimental system for individualized brain stimulation design and validation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 29 (2021) 1848-1857. (SCI二区(TOP), IF: 4.528)

(8)      Guosheng Yi, Liufang Wang, Chunguang Chu, Chen Liu, Xiaodong Zhu, Xiao Shen, Zhen Li, Fei Wang, Manyi Yang, Jiang Wang*. Analysis of complexity and dynamic functional connectivity based on resting-state EEG in early Parkinson’s disease patients with mild cognitive impairment. Cognitive Neurodynamics 16(2) (2021)309-323. (SCI二区, IF: 3.473)

(9)      Haitao Yu*, Xinyu Lei, Zhenxi Song, Chen Liu, Jiang Wang. Supervised network-based fuzzy learning of EEG signals for Alzheimer's disease identification. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28(1) (2020) 60-71. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 12.029)

(10)   Haitao Yu*, Kai Li, Xinmeng Guo, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Chen Liu. Firing rate oscillation and stochastic resonance in cortical networks with electrical-chemical synapses and time delay. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28(1) (2020) 5-13. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 12.029)

(11)   Haitao Yu*, Xinmeng Guo, Jiang Wang, Kai Li, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Chen Liu. Multiple stochastic resonances and oscillation transitions in cortical networks with time delay. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 28(1) (2020) 39-46. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 12.029)

(12)   Siyuan Chang, Xile Wei*, Fei Su*, Chen Liu, Guosheng Yi, Jiang Wang, Chunxiao Han, Yanqiu Che*. Model predictive control for seizure suppression based on nonlinear auto-regressive moving-average volterra model. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 28(10) (2020) 2173-2183. (SCI二区(TOP), IF: 3.802)

(13)   Haitao Yu, Zihan Meng, Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*, Jing Liu. Effective suppression of beta oscillation in Parkinsonian state via a noisy direct delayed feedback control scheme. Chinese Physics B 30(3) (2020) 038703. (SCI三区, IF: 1.494)

(14)   Fei Su, Jiang Wang, Shuangxia Niu, Bin Deng, Chen Liu, Xile Wei*. Nonlinear predictive control for adaptive adjustments of deep brain stimulation parameters in basal ganglia-thalamic network. Neural Networks 98 (2018) 283-295. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 5.785)

(15)   Shuangming Yang, Jiang Wang, Qianjin Lin, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Chen Liu, Huiyan Li*. Cost-efficient FPGA implementation of a biologically plausible dopamine neural network and its application. Neurocomputing 314 (2018) 394-408. (SCI二区, IF : 4.072)

(16)   Shuangming Yang, Bin Deng, Huiyan Li, Chen Liu, Jiang Wang, Haitao Yu*, Yingmei Qin. FPGA implementation of hippocampal spiking network and its real-time simulation on dynamical neuromodulation of oscillations. Neurocomputing 282(22) (2018) 262-276. (SCI二区, IF : 4.072)

(17)   Shuangming Yang, Xile Wei, Bin Deng, Chen Liu, Huiyan Li*, Jiang Wang. Efficient digital implementation of a conductance-based globus pallidus neuron and the dynamics analysis. Physica A 494(15) (2018) 484-502. (SCI三区, IF: 2.5)

(18)   Shuangming Yang, Xile Wei, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng, Chen Liu, Haitao Yu*, Huiyan Li. Efficient hardware implementation of the subthalamic nucleus-external globus pallidus oscillation system and its dynamics investigation. Neural Networks 94 (2017) 220-238. (SCI二区, IF:7.197)

(19)   Fei Su, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Bin Deng, Haitao Yu*, Chen Liu. Analysis and application of neuronal network controllability and observability. Chaos 27(2) (2017) 023103. (SCI三区, IF : 2.415)

(20)   Fei Su, Jiang Wang, Huiyan Li, Bin Deng*, Xile Wei, Haitao Yu, Chen Liu. Predictive control for spike pattern modulation of a two-compartment neuron model. Neurocomputing 216(5) (2016) 89-101. (SCI二区, IF : 3.317)

(21)   Fei Su, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng*, Xile Wei, Yingyuan Chen, Chen Liu. Adaptive control of Parkinson’s state based on a nonlinear computational model with unknown parameters. International Journal of Neural Systems 25(1) (2015) 1450030. (SCI一区(TOP), IF: 6.085

(22)   Haitao Yu*, Xinmeng Guo, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Adaptive stochastic resonance in self-organized small-world neuronal networks with time delay. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 29(1-3) (2015) 346-358. (SCI二区(TOP), IF : 2.834)

(23)   Ruofan Wang, Jiang Wang, Bin Deng*, Chen Liu, Xile Wei, Kaiming Tsang, Wailok Chan. A combined method to estimate parameters of the thalamocortical model from a heavily noise-corrupted time series of action potential. Chaos 24(1) (2014) 013128. (SCI三区, IF : 1.954)

(24)   Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang*, Chen Liu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Delay-induced synchronization transitions in modular scale-free neuronal networks with hybrid electrical and chemical synapses. Physica A 405 (2014) 25-34. (SCI三区, IF : 1.732)

(25)   Jiang Wang, Xinmeng Guo, Haitao Yu*, Chen Liu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Yingyuan Chen. Stochastic resonance in small-world neuronal networks with hybrid electrical-chemical synapses. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 60 (2014) 40-48. (SCI四区, IF : 1.448)

(26)   Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang*, Jiwei Du, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Chen Liu. Effects of time delay and random rewiring on the stochastic resonance in excitable small-world neuronal networks. Physical Review E 87(5) (2013) 052917. (SCI三区, IF : 2.326)

(27)   Jianbing Sun, Bin Deng, Chen Liu, Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang*, Xile Wei, Jia Zhao. Vibrational resonance in neuron populations with hybrid synapses. Applied Mathematical Modelling 37(9) (2013) 6311-6324. (SCI二区, IF : 2.158)

(28)   Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang*, Jiwei Du, Bin Deng, Xile Wei, Chen Liu. Effects of time delay on the stochastic resonance in small-world neuronal networks. Chaos 23(1) (2013) 013128. (SCI三区, IF : 1.761)

(29)   Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang*, Chen Liu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Delay-induced synchronization transitions in small-world neuronal networks with hybrid electrical and chemical synapses. Physica A 392(21) (2013) 5473-5480. (SCI三区, IF : 1.722)

(30)   于海涛, 王江*, 刘晨, 车艳秋, 邓斌, 魏熙乐. 耦合小世界神经网络的随机共振. 物理学报  61 (2012) 068702. (SCI四区, IF : 1.016)

(31)   Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang*, Chen Liu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Vibrational resonance in excitable neuronal systems. Chaos 21(4) (2011) 043101. (SCI三区, IF : 2.076)

(32)   Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang*, Chen Liu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei. Stochastic resonance on a modular neuronal network of small-world subnetworks with a subthreshold pacemaker. Chaos 21(4) (2011) 047502. (SCI三区, IF : 2.076)

(33)   苏斐, 王红, 祖林禄*, 王江, 刘晨. 基于模糊控制的帕金森状态闭环调节. 计算机工程与应用57(22)(2021) 273-280. (EI)

(34)   曹玉珍*, 张丽嫒, 刘晨, 王江. 基于Pinsky-Rinzel模型癫痫状态的估计与闭环混合控制. 纳米技术与精密工程 (2015) 3. (EI)

(35)   Haitao Yu*, Fanyi Zeng, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Jialin Liu. 3D hand pose estimation and action recognition in acupuncture with a representation learning framework. Proceedings of the 43th Chinese Control Conference. 2024.07, Kunming. (2024). (EI)

(36)   Xu Yang, Jiang Wang*, Chen Liu. Reconstructing neural network topology from firing activity. Proceedings of the 39th Chinese Control Conference. 2020.07, Shenyang (2020) 7106-7111. (EI)

(37)   Zihan Meng, Zijie Xia, Haitao Yu*, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu. Neural adaptive synchronization control of chaotic FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons in the external electrical stimulation. Proceedings of the 38th Chinese Control Conference. 2019.07, Guangzhou. (2019) 2731-2736. (EI)

(38)   Rongjie Fang, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Haitao Yu*, Yingmei Qin. Closed-loop control scheme to control epileptic activity based on UKF. The 37th Chinese Control Conference. 2018.07, Wuhan. (2018) 7980-7985. (EI)

(39)   Yulin Zhu, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Fei Su, Siyuan Chang, Huiyan Li*. Oscillations induced by brain connectivity changes in basal ganglia-cortex network. The 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. 2018.07.04, Shanghai (2018) 1664-1669. (EI)

(40)   Bin Deng, Hongji Li, Fei Su, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Yingmei Qin. A nonlinear autoregressive Volterra model based on FPGA. The 12th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. 2016.06, Guilin (2016) 962-966. (EI)

(41)   Huiyan Li, Chen Liu, Jiang Wang. Memory and computing function of four-node neuronal network motifs. The 11th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation. 2014.06, Shenyang (2014) 5818-5823. (EI)

(42)   Zhen Zhang, Bingnan Jia, Hongliang Pang, Chen Liu, Comparative analysis and optimization of dynamic charging coils for roadway-powered electric vehicles. 2017 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (EI)

(43)   Huiyan Li, Chen Liu, Jiang Wang. Design of the feedback controller for deep brain stimulation of the Parkinsonian sate based on the system identification. The 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference. 2015. 05, Qingdao (2015) 5573-5578. (EI)

(44)   Xiuyu Jiang, Chen Liu, Jiang Wang*. Delay-induced multiple vibrational resonance in the bi-fan neuronal network motifs. The 7th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing - BioMedical Engineering and Informatics. 2014.10, Dalian (2014) 288-296. (EI)





(1)      刘晨,谢梦龙,王江,刘维桐,邓斌,一种人体健康信息可穿戴感知系统,发明专利,专利号:202311238229.4

(2)      刘晨,韩玲民,常思远,初春光,王江,一种针对帕金森疾病的主动式实时闭环电刺激系统,发明专利,专利号:202210047709.1

(3)      刘晨,韩玲民,常思远,王江,魏熙乐,李会艳,邓斌,帕金森闭环神经调控硬件在环测试系统,发明专利,专利号:202110551731.52022-07-01已授权)

(4)      刘晨,常思远,朱晓冬,韩玲民,王江,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,伊国胜,蔡立辉,王钰,孙亚男,刘崴,张伟,李琪,邢梦娅,杨俊峰,杨满义,韩晓璇,李祯,沈潇,白丽鹏,李卓,张瑞基于可穿戴智能设备的帕金森闭环深部脑刺激系统,发明专利,专利号:202110036263.82023-01-05已授权)

(5)      刘晨,赵葛,王江,李会艳,基于广义生成对抗网络的帕金森状态下DBS闭环学习方法,发明专利,专利号:202010640970.32023-11-24已授权)

(6)      刘晨,初春光,王江,李会艳,蔡立辉,朱晓冬,张伟,李琪,邢梦娅,张磊,基于微状态分析方法的EEG实时检测分析平台,发明专利,专利号:202010051770.4

(7)      刘晨,孟紫寒,于海涛,王江,朱晓冬,张伟,李琪,邢梦娅,刘静,张志勇,一种基于延时反馈控制的噪声深度脑刺激系统,发明专利,专利号:201910925239.22023-02-21已授权)

(8)      刘晨,常思远,魏熙乐,王江,邓斌,杨双鸣,基于DSP+FPGA的去DBS伪迹的局部场电位实时检测分析平台,发明专利,专利号:201710704734.1

(9)      刘晨,杨双鸣,王江,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,张镇,李会艳结合有限元分析的帕金森状态下基底核刺激实时仿真平台,发明专利,专利号:201610840251.X

(10)   于海涛,孟紫寒,刘晨,王江,刘静,张志勇,朱晓冬,张伟,李琪,刘崴,一种针对帕金森状态的噪声深度脑刺激系统,发明专利,专利号:201910927381.0

(11)   邓斌,王佶宣,刘晨,王江,初春光,常思远,杨双鸣,伊国胜,基于闭环迭代控制的阿兹海默症状态下DBS刺激的仿真平台,发明专利,专利号:2019107855516

(12)   王江,刘维桐,常思远,刘晨,一种可编程闭环电生理实验硬件在环实时仿真系统,发明专利,专利号:202210267510.X

(13)   于海涛,舒洪玉,王江,刘晨,刘静,三角网个性化多线圈经颅磁刺激阵列及其控制方法,发明专利,专利号:2020105435096 (2021-12-03授权)

(14)   王江,杨双鸣,王天昕,刘晨,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,李会艳,基于FPGA的基底核网络beta节律仿真系统,发明专利,专利号:201710306902.1

(15)   王江,王天昕,杨双鸣,刘晨,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,李会艳,基于丘脑底核-苍白球起搏器的四足机器人控制器,发明专利,专利号:201710306898.9

(16)   王江,林前进,杨双鸣,邓斌,刘晨,魏熙乐,基于FPGA的丘脑皮层放电状态变论域模糊控制系统,发明专利,专利号:201710131135.5

(17)   王江,苏斐,李鸿基,李会艳,刘晨,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,张镇,帕金森状态的闭环神经刺激仿真系统,发明专利,专利号:201610037630.5 (2019-01-15授权)

(18)   王江,郝新宇,杨双鸣,伊国胜,刘晨,邓斌,魏熙乐,张镇,前馈神经网络下基于FPGASTDP突触可塑性实验平台,发明专利,专利号:201610011012.3 (2019-03-26授权)

(19)   于海涛,孟紫寒,王江,邓斌,魏熙乐,刘晨,一种基于神经元形态学的在体神经元建模方法,发明专利,专利号:201910660107.1

(20)   王江,李渔樵,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,刘晨,一种远程控制的多参数可调电针灸仪,发明专利,专利号:201910533572.9

(21)   于海涛,武欣昱,王江,邓斌,魏熙乐,刘晨,穿戴式多模态驾驶员生理状态监测系统,发明专利,专利号:201811353853.8

(22)   于海涛,武欣昱,王江,邓斌,魏熙乐,刘晨,一种基于复杂网络的脑电信号特征提取方法,发明专利,专利号:201810637789.X (2021-06-08授权)

(23)   张镇,艾文杰,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,刘晨,伊国胜,王江,基于可变拓扑结构的电容补偿网络的无线充电系统,发明专利,专利号:201810421838.6

(24)   于海涛,郭欣萌,王江,邓斌,魏熙乐,刘晨,基于多电极阵列的神经核团反馈同步控制FPGA实验平台,发明专利,专利号:201711054717.4 (2020-08-04授权)

(25)   张镇,艾文杰,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,刘晨,伊国胜,王江,基于磁谐振耦合原理的四叶形线圈经颅磁刺激系统,发明专利,专利号: 201710763645.4

(26)   张镇,庞宏亮,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,刘晨,伊国胜,王江,基于虚拟电容的磁共振耦合式无线能量传输系统,发明专利,专利号:201710333277.X

(27)   张镇,仝瑞麟,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,刘晨,伊国胜,王江,双向能量流动的交互式稳压系统及操作方法,发明专利,专利号:201710231104.7 (2019-06-11授权)

(28)   张镇,艾文杰,邓斌,魏熙乐,于海涛,刘晨,伊国胜,王江基于磁谐振耦合式正交8字形线圈组的经颅磁刺激系统,发明专利,专利号:201710231103.2

(29)   王江,苏斐,刘宇,李会艳,邓斌,刘晨,魏熙乐,于海涛,张镇,基于机器学习的深度脑刺激电极阵列优化系统,发明专利,专利号:201610839586.X (2019-03-26授权)

(30)   邓斌,贾炳南,张镇,魏熙乐,于海涛,刘晨,伊国胜,王江,基于磁阻传感器阵列的电动汽车动态无线充电目标的辨识方法,发明专利,专利号:201610323213.7

(31)   魏熙乐,刘阳,张镇,邓斌,于海涛,刘晨,伊国胜,用于可再生能源发电系统的稳压系统及控制方法,发明专利,专利号:201610322076.5 (2019-08-20授权)

(32)   邓斌,胡金岭,杨双鸣,李会艳,林前进,刘晨,魏煕乐,于海涛,张镇,王江基于FPGA的运动障碍非侵入式康复的闭环脑--体接口硬件系统,发明专利,专利号:201610026971.2 (2018-12-11授权)

(33)   于海涛,雷新宇,孟紫寒,王江,邓斌,魏熙乐,刘晨,一种多电极阵列神经元放电序列的时空网络构建方法,发明专利,专利号:201811257058.9 (2021-04-20授权)

(34)   王江,杨双鸣,许诺,李会艳,邓斌,魏熙乐,刘晨基于增强现实的针灸穴位可视化究平台及其图像处理方法,发明专利,专利号:201710231105.1

(35)   魏熙乐,刘宇,苏斐,王江,李会艳,邓斌,刘晨,于海涛,张镇,基于有限元分析的深部脑刺激电极阵列结构,发明专利,专利号:201611087031.0

(36)   魏熙乐,常思远,卢梅丽,王江,邓斌,张镇,于海涛,伊国胜,刘晨,蔡立辉,朱钰琳,可编程柔性经颅电刺激与脑电采集一体系统,发明专利,专利号:201910596558.3



(1)      20167月:脑电与功能磁共振数据分析系统

(2)      20168月:多通道神经元放电序列编码特征分析系统

(3)      20179月:多通道脑电信号特征分析与评估系统

(4)      201912月:基于EEG的脑功能评估与分级系统

(5)      20236月:脑功能障碍神经疾病智能预后评估系统



(1)      电气工程学概论(本科生)

(2)      电工学实验(本科生)



(1)      2024年:糖果派对(中国)门户网站 十佳教师

(2)      2023年:第五届全国高等学校青年教师电工学课程教学竞赛一等奖

(3)      2023年:天津市高等院校电工学课程青年教师讲课竞赛一等奖(第一名)

(4)      2023年:天津高校第十七届青年教师教学竞赛院级选拔赛一等奖

(5)      2019年:联盟线上线下精品课程(电工学)

(6)      2019年:山东省高等学校科学技术二等奖(排名第三)

(7)      2019年:天津市优秀博士学位论文奖

(8)      2019年:天津大学北洋学者青年骨干教师

(9)      2019年:天津大学第三届未来30颠覆性创新创想大赛三等奖(唯一指导教师)

(10)   2018年:天津大学沈志康奖教金

(11)   2017年:天津大学先锋号荣誉称号(电工学团队)

(12)   2017年:天津大学优秀博士学位论文奖

(13)   2017年:天津大学第一届未来30颠覆性创新创想大赛二等奖(第一指导教师)

(14)   2017年:天津大学新入职教师培训获得优秀

(15)   2016年:教育部自然科学二等奖(第六完成人,神经控制工程团队)

(16)   2016年:香江学者奖(全国每年60名)

(17)   2016年:第十届三菱电机杯全国大学生电气与自动化大赛优秀工作者

(18)   2015年:天津大学优秀学生标兵奖学金

(19)   2015年:天津大学第十四届学生科学奖(第一名)

(20)   2014年:博士研究生国家奖学金

(21)   2014年:国家公派联合培养博士研究生资格

(22)   2014年:天津大学优秀博士学位论文基金

(23)   2013年:博士研究生国家奖学金

(24)   2013年:天津市三好学生奖学金

(25)   2010年:国家奖学金


(1)      国际电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)高级会员

(2)      中国自动化学会青年工作委员会委员

(3)      中国神经科学学会神经调控基础与转化分会委员

(4)      中国电工技术学会生物电工专业委员会委员

(5)      Fundamental Research期刊(IF=6.2)第一届青年编委

(6)      天津市青年科技工作者协会创新创业专委会成员

(7)      中国自动化学会终身会员

(8)      IEEE Transactions on Neural Network and Learning SystemIEEE Transactions on CyberneticsIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & MeasurementIEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation EngineeringIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and SystemsCognitive NeurodynamicsComputers in Biology and Medicine Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical SimulationNeurocomputingPhysica A等数十个学术期刊的常任审稿人



(1)      20248月:北京神经科学学会学术年会暨首都前沿学术成果报告会(北京神经科学学会脑网络调控与医工交叉专委会成立大会)(北京)

(2)      20247月:“乘风破浪,脑海驰骋”神经调控领域女科学家圆桌会议(线上)

(3)      20244月:第六届神经科技创新论坛暨中国神经科学学会神经调控基础与转化分会成立大会(上海)

(4)      20243月:2024全国生物电工与生物电磁高峰会议(重庆)

(5)      202312月:第九届电气学科青年学者前沿研讨会(徐州)

(6)      20239月:兰州交通大学教育部重点实验室研讨会(线上)

(7)      20237月:全国生物电工与生物电磁高峰会议(兰州)

(8)      20236月:第十三届上海康复医学科技奖励大会暨标准引领医康融合高质量创新发展高峰论坛神经康复分论坛(上海)

(9)      202211月:中国神经科学学会第十五届全国学术会议(线上&苏州)

(10)   20229月:第五届全国神经动力学学术会议(线上&杭州)

(11)   202010月:脑刺激转化研究青年学者论坛(线上)

(12)   20188月:第四届全国神经动力学学术会议(西安)