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贾石,英才教授,博士/硕士生导师。2017 年1 月毕业于天津大学,获信息与通信工程专业博士学位。现工作于糖果派对(中国)门户网站
信息与通信工程学科。2015 年9 月至2016 年9 月,作为CSC资助的博士生在丹麦科技大学交流访问。2017 年12 月至2022 年11 月,先后在丹麦科技大学光学工程系担任博士后和助理教授级研究员。在Nature Communications等期刊及会议发表SCI/EI 论文近70 篇,在Springer Series in Optical Sciences 上发表学术著作1 章,在OFC、ECOC 及CLEO 等光通信旗舰会议上多次做受邀报告。作为负责人主持了国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外),国家博士后科学基金、欧盟 “地平线2020-玛丽居里-奥斯特联合资助计划(H2020-Marie·Curie-H.C. Ørsted Fellowship) 、丹麦自然基金(Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, DFF) 。作为主要参与人参加了国家自然基金重大科研仪器研制项目、国家重点研发计划以及企业横向合作等多项科研项目。获国家自然基金海外优青,天津市优秀博士论文、天津大学优秀博士论文、博士国家奖学金、欧盟玛丽·居里学者(MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE Fellowship) 、丹麦Otto Mønsteds Fond 基金会奖金。
(1) 2023.01-至今 天津大学 糖果派对(中国)门户网站
(2) 2021.12-2022.11 丹麦科技大学 光学工程系,助理教授级研究员
(3) 2017.12-2021.11 丹麦科技大学 光学工程系,博士后
(4) 2017.02-2019.01 浙江大学 信息与电子工程糖果派对
(1) 2015.09-2016.09 丹麦科技大学 光学工程系,国家公派联合培养博士
(2) 2013.09-2017.01 天津大学 信息糖果派对
信息与通信工程专业 博士
(3) 2011.09-2013.07 天津大学 信息糖果派对
信息与通信工程专业 硕士
(4) 2007.09-2011.07 天津大学 信息糖果派对
通信工程专业 本科
(1) 光电技术
(2) 集成微波光子学
(3) 高速光信号处理
(4) 高速光子太赫兹通信等
(1) 2023.01-2025.12国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(海外),百Gbps至Tbps的超高速集成光子太赫兹无线通信技术,负责人
(2) 2017.12-2019.11 欧盟地平线2020-玛丽居里-奥斯特联合资助项(H2020-Marie·Curie-H.C. Ørsted Fellowship),Tbit/s THz Photonics Wireless Communication (T-Welcom, Tbit/s 太赫兹光子无线通信,Horizon 2020, grant no. 713683),负责人
(3) 2019.12-2022.11 丹麦自然基金 (Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, DFF),Integrated THz Phased Array Antenna: Forging the Key for Agile Ultra-Fast THz Wireless Communications (集成太赫兹相控阵天线----打造超快速灵活太赫兹无线通信的关键技术, grant no. 9041-00395B),实际负责人
(4) 2017.02-2019.01 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,Tbit/s 的长距离THz 光子无线通信技术研究 (grant no. 2017M611990),负责人
(5) 2015.01-2019.12 国家自然基金重大科研仪器研制项目,基于光电振荡器的大量程高精度绝对长度测量仪研究 (grant no. 61427817),主要参与人
(6) 国家重点研发计划,太赫兹无线通信技术与系统 (grant no. 2018YFB1801500),2019.01-2022.12,子课题参与人
(7) 2015.01-2024.12 丹麦国家研究基金卓越中心项目 (Danish National Research Foundation Centre of Excellence, DNRF-CoE), Silicon Photonics for Optical Communications (SPOC, 用于光通信的硅光子学, grant no. DNRF123),约1 亿人民币,参与人
(1) Shi Jia*, Mu-Chieh Lo, Lu Zhang, Oskars Ozolins, Aleksejs Udalcovs, Deming Kong, Xiaodan Pang, Robinson Guzman, Xianbin Yu, Shilin Xiao, Sergei Popov, Jiajia Chen, Guillermo Carpintero, Toshio Morioka, Hao Hu, Leif K. Oxenløwe, "Integrated dual-laser photonic chip for high-purity carrier generation enabling ultrafast terahertz wireless communications", Nature Communications 13: 1388 (2022), DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29049-2, 2022.
(2) Shi Jia*, Lu Zhang, Shiwei Wang, Wei Li, Mengyao Qiao, Zijie Lu, Nazar Muhammad Idrees, Xiaodan Pang, Hao Hu, Xianmin Zhang, Leif K. Oxenløwe, and Xianbin Yu, "2×300 Gbit/s line rate PS-64QAM-OFDM THz photonic-wireless transmission", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 38(17): 4715-4721, 2020.
(3) Xiaodan Pang, Oskars Ozolins, Shi Jia*, Lu Zhang, Richard Schatz, Aleksejs Udalcovs, Vjaceslavs Bobrovs, Hao Hu, Toshio Morioka, Yan-Ting Sun, Jiajia Chen, Sebastian Lourdudoss, Leif K. Oxenløwe, Sergei Popov, and Xianbin Yu, "Bridging the Terahertz gap: photonics-assisted free-space communications from the submillimeter-wave to the mid-Infrared", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 40(10): 3149-3162 invited paper, 2022.
(4) Shi Jia*, Longsheng Li, Yan Fu, Leif K. Oxenløwe, and Hao Hu, "Integrated MLL chip-based PAM-4/DMT-16QAM photonic-wireless link in W-band for flexible applications", Optics Express 29(11): 15969-15979, 2021.
(5) Shi Jia*, Shiwei Wang, Kexin Liu, Xiaodan Pang, Hangkai Zhang, Xiaofeng Jin, Shilie Zheng, Hao Chi, Xianmin Zhang, and Xianbin Yu, “A unified system with integrated generation of high-speed communication and high-resolution sensing signals based on THz photonics”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 36(19): 4549-4556, special issue paper, 2018.
(6) Shi Jia*, Xiaodan Pang, Oskars Ozolins, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Jinlong Yu, Pengyu Guan, Francesco Da Ros, Sergei Popov, Gunnar Jacobsen, Michael Galili, Toshio Morioka, Darko Zibar, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “0.4 THz photonic-wireless link with 106 Gb/s single channel bitrate”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 36(2): 610-616, top-scored paper, 2018.
(7) Shi Jia, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Jinlong Yu, Pengyu Guan, Francesco Da Ros, Michael Galili, Toshio Morioka, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “THz photonic wireless links with 16-QAM modulation in the 375-450 GHz band”, Optics Express 24(21): 23777-23783, 2016.
(8) Shi Jia, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Jinlong Yu, Toshio Morioka, Peter U. Jepsen, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “120 Gbit/s multi-channel THz wireless transmission and THz receiver performance analysis”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 29(3): 310-313, 2017.
(9) Shi Jia, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Jinlong Yu, Toshio Morioka, Peter U. Jepsen, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “THz wireless transmission systems based on photonic generation of highly pure beat-notes”, IEEE Photonics Journal 8(5): 7905808, 2016.
(10) Shi Jia*, Jinlong Yu, Zixiong Wang, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Bin Chen, and Yang Yu, “A novel highly stable dual-wavelength short optical pulse source based on a dual-loop optoelectronic oscillator with two wavelengths”, IEEE Photonics Journal 7(4): 1502611, 2015.
(11) Shi Jia*, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Qiong Wu, Gangbin Huang, and Enze Yang, “A novel optoelectronic oscillator based on wavelength multiplexing”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27(2): 213-216, 2015.
(12) Shi Jia, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Zixiong Wang, and Bin Chen, “Research of a novel optoelectronic oscillator based on dual-loop structure with different wavelengths”, Acta Physica Sinica 64(15): 154204-1-6, 2015.
(13) Shi Jia, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Zixiong Wang, and Bin Chen, “Research of optical short pulse source with tunable repetition rate and ultralow timing jitter”, Acta Physica Sinica 64(18): 184201-1-5, 2015.
(14) Shi Jia*, Mu-Chieh Lo, Lu Zhang, Oskars Ozolins, Aleksejs Udalcovs, Deming Kong, Xiaodan Pang, Xianbin Yu, Shilin Xiao, Sergei Popov, Jiajia Chen, Guillermo Carpintero, Toshio Morioka, Hao Hu, Leif K. Oxenløwe, “Integrated dual-DFB laser for 408 GHz carrier generation enabling 131 Gbit/s wireless transmission over 10.7 meters”, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Top score paper, Oral, San Diego, CA, Mar. 2019, Paper Th1C.2.
(15) Shi Jia*, Lu Zhang, Shiwei Wang, Wei Li, Mengyao Qiao, Zijie Lu, Nazar Ideer, Xiaodan Pang, Hao Hu, Leif K. Oxenløwe, and Xianbin Yu, “PS-64QAM-OFDM THz photonic-wireless transmission with 2×300 Gbit/s line rate”, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), invited talk, San Jose, CA, May 2020, Paper STu4L.5.
(16) Xiaodan Pang, Oskars Ozolins, Shi Jia*, Lu Zhang, Richard Schatz, Aleksejs Udalcovs, Vjaceslavs Bobrovs, Hao Hu, Toshio Morioka, Yan-Ting Sun, Jiajia Chen, Sebastian Lourdudoss, Leif K. Oxenløwe, Sergei Popov, and Xianbin Yu, "Free-space transmissions in the upper- and lower-THz bands assisted with photonics”, in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), invited paper, Bordeaux, France, Sep. 2021, Paper Th2B.1.
(17) Shi Jia*, Mu-Chieh Lo, Deming Kong, Robinson Guzman, Longsheng Li, Leif K. Oxenløwe, Guillermo Carpintero, and Hao Hu, "Integrated dual-DFB laser chip-based PAM-4 photonic-wireless transmission in W-band”, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Oral, Washington, DC United States, Jun. 2021, Paper F4F.3.
(18) Shi Jia*, Longsheng Li, Yan Fu, Leif K. Oxenløwe, and Hao Hu, "DMT-16QAM photonic-wireless link in W-band enabled by an integrated MLL chip”, in European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Oral, Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2020, Paper Th1G-6.
(19) Shi Jia, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Jinlong Yu, Toshio Morioka, Peter U. Jepsen, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “80 Gbit/s 16-QAM multicarrier THz wireless communication link in the 400 GHz band”, in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Oral, Dusseldorf, Germany, Sep. 2016, Paper W.1.E.5.
(20) Hao Hu, Shi Jia*, Mu-Chieh Lo, Lu Zhang, Oskars Ozolins, Aleksejs Udalcovs, Deming Kong, Xiaodan Pang, Xianbin Yu, Shilin Xiao, Sergei Popov, Jiajia Chen, Guillermo Carpintero, Toshio Morioka, Leif K. Oxenløwe, "Chip based THz emitter for ultra-high speed THz wireless communication", in IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meeting Series (SUM), invited paper, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, July 2019, paper 1-2.
(21) Shi Jia, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Jinlong Yu, Toshio Morioka, Peter U. Jepsen, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “Experimental analysis of THz receiver performance in 80 Gbit/s communication system”, in International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THZ), Oral, Copenhagen, Denmark, Sep. 2016, Paper H5P.17.02.
(22) Shi Jia, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, and Gangbin Huang, “A novel X-band and highly stable optoelectronic oscillator”, in National Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave (NCMMW), Hefei, China, June 2015, Paper 1-3.
(23) Xianbin Yu, Shi Jia, Hao Hu, Michael Galili, Toshio Morioka, Peter U. Jepsen, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “160 Gbit/s photonics wireless transmission in the 300-500 GHz band”, APL Photonics 1(8): 081301- 1-6, Editor's Pick, 2016.
(24) Kexin Liu, Shi Jia, Shiwei Wang, Xiaodan Pang, Wei Li, Shilie Zheng, Hao Chi, Xiaofeng Jin, Xianmin Zhang, and Xianbin Yu, “100 Gbit/s THz photonic wireless transmission in the 350-GHz band with extended reach”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30(11): 1064-1067, 2018.
(25) Bin Chen, Shi Jia, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Zixiong Wang, and Jinlong Yu, "Optical short pulse with dual wavelength and high stability based on optoelectronic oscillator and soliton compression", Acta Optica Sinica 37(5): 0519002-23-28, 2017.
(26) Xianbin Yu, Shi Jia, Hao Hu, Pengyu Guan, Michael Galili, Toshio Morioka, Peter U. Jepsen, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “THz photonics-wireless transmission of 160 Gbit/s bitrate”, in Optoelectronics and Communications Conference/International Conference on Photonics in Switching (OECC/PS), Post dead-line paper, Niigata, Japan, June 2016, PDP 1-3.
(27) Xiaodan Pang, Shi Jia, Oskars Ozolins, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Leonardo Marcon, Pengyu Guan, Francesco Da Ros, Sergei Popov, Gunnar Jacobsen, Michael Galili, Toshio Morioka, Darko Zibar, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “260 Gbit/s Photonic-Wireless Link in the THz Band”, in IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Post dead-line paper, Hawaii, USA, October 2016, PDP 1-2.
(28) Leif K. Oxenløwe, Shi Jia, Xiaodan Pang, Oskars Ozolins, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Pengyu Guan, Francesco Da Ros, Sergei Popov, Gunnar Jacobsen, Michael Galili, Darko Zibar, and Toshio Morioka, “100s Gigabit/s THz communication”, in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), invited paper, tutorial talk, San Jose, USA, May 2018, paper STu3D.1.
(29) Xiaodan Pang, Shi Jia, Oskars Ozolins, Xianbin Yu, Hao Hu, Leonardo Marcon, Pengyu Guan, Francesco Da Ros, Sergei Popov, Gunnar Jacobsen, Michael Galili, Toshio Morioka, Darko Zibar, and Leif Katsuo Oxenløwe, “Single channel 106 Gbit/s 16QAM wireless transmission in the 0.4 THz band”, in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), Top score paper, Los Angeles, USA, March 2017, paper Tu3B.5.
(30) Xianbin Yu, Shi Jia, Hao Hu, Michael Galili, Toshio Morioka, Peter U. Jepsen, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, “Ultra-broadband THz photonic wireless transmission”, in Opto-electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), invited paper, Jeju, Korea, July 2018, paper SC1_1012 1-2.
(31) Mu-Chieh Lo, Shi Jia, Deming Kong, Toshio Morioka, Leif K. Oxenløwe, Hao Hu, and Guillermo Carpintero, "Foundry-Fabricated Dual-DFB PIC Injection-Locked to Optical Frequency Comb for High-Purity THz Generation", in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC), San Diego, CA, Mar. 2019, Paper W1B.3.
(32) Aleksejs Udalcovs, Shi Jia, Lu Zhang, Oskars Ozolins, Xiaodan Pang, Deming Kong, Xianbin Yu, Shilin Xiao, Sergei Popov, Jiajia Chen, Toshio Morioka, Hao Hu, and Leif K. Oxenløwe, "107.1-Gbps net-rate transmission over a joint 51km-fibre-and-10.7m-wireless link for terahertz radio access networks", in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2019, paper 1-4.
(33) Hangkai Zhang, Shi Jia, Xianbin Yu, Xiaofeng Jin, Shilie Zheng, Hao Chi, and Xianmin Zhang, “Photonic generation of linear frequency modulated terahertz pulses in the 350 GHz band with beyond 40 GHz bandwidth,” in International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), Beijing, China, October 2017, paper Tu.2.4.
(34) Xianbin Yu, Shi Jia, Xiaodan Pang, Toshio Morioka, and Leif K. Oxenloewe, “Beyond 100 Gbit/s wireless connectivity enabled by THz photonics”, in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), invited paper, Girona, Spain, July 2017, paper We.A2.3.
(35) Kexin Liu, Shi Jia, Shiwei Wang, Wei Li, Xiaodan Pang, Shilie Zheng, Hao Chi, Xiaofeng Jin, Xianmin Zhang, and Xianbin Yu, “Enhanced accessibility of 350 GHz 100 Gbit/s 16-QAM photonic wireless link”, in UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre Waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT), Hangzhou, China, September 2018, paper 1-3.
(36) Lu Zhang, Xiaodan Pang, Shi Jia, Shiwei Wang, and Xianbin Yu, "Beyond 100 Gb/s optoelectronic terahertz communications: key technologies and directions", IEEE Communications Magazine 58(11): 34-40, 2020.
(37) Hangkai Zhang, Shiwei Wang, Shi Jia, Xianbin Yu, Xiaofeng Jin, Shilie Zheng, Hao Chi, and Xianmin Zhang, “Experimental generation of linearly chirped 350 GHz band pulses with a bandwidth beyond 60 GHz”, Optics Letters 42(24): 5242-5245, 2017.
(38) Shiwei Wang, Hangkai Zhang, Shi Jia, Muhammad Saqlain, Shilie Zheng, Hao Chi, Xiaofeng Jin, Xianmin Zhang, and Xianbin Yu, “Dual-band THz photonic pulses enabling synthetic mm-scale range resolution”, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 30(20): 1760-1763, 2018.
(39) Chuang Ma, Yang Jiang, Shi Jia, Guangfu Bai, Lin Hu, Yuanyuan Shan, Jianhui Liang, Hongxia Li, and Jinlong Yu, “All-optical clock extraction based on injection-locked semiconductor laser”, Acta Optica Sinica 35(3): 0303001-1-6, 2015.
(40) Xianbin Yu, Hangkai Zhang, Shi Jia, Toshio Morioka, Xianmin Zhang, Peter U. Jepsen, Leif K. Oxenløwe, “Exploring THz band for high speed wireless communications”, in International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THZ), invited paper, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2016, paper 1-2.
(41) Shiwei Wang, Hangkai Zhang, Shi Jia, Muhammad Saqlain, Shilie Zheng, Hao Chi, Xiaofeng Jin, Xianmin Zhang, and Xianbin Yu, “Experimental demonstration of 3.9 mm range resolution enabled by synthetic linearly chirped THz photonic pulses”, in UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre Waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT), Hangzhou, China, September 2018, paper 1-3.
(42) Xianbin Yu, Shiwei Wang, Shi Jia, Kexin Liu, and Xianmin Zhang, “THz photonics for future smart wireless”, in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Guangzhou, China, November 2017, paper S4E.3.
(43) Haiyun Xin, Deming Kong, Kuo Zhang, Shi Jia, Xiaoling Zhang, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "120 GBaud PAM-4/PAM-6 generation and detection by photonic aided digital-to-analog converter and linear equalization", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 38(8): 2226-2230, 2020.
(44) Shiwei Wang, Zijie Lu, Wei Li, Shi Jia, Lu Zhang, Mengyao Qiao, Xiaodan Pang, Nazar Idrees, Muhammad Saqlain, Xiang Gao, Xiaoxiao Cao, Changxing Lin, Qiuyu Wu, Xianmin Zhang and Xianbin Yu, "26.8-m THz wireless transmission of probabilistic shaping 16-QAM-OFDM signals", APL Photonics 5(5): 056105, 2020.
(45) Yan Fu, Deming Kong, Haiyun Xin, Shi Jia, Kuo Zhang, Meihua Bi, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "Piecewise linear equalizer for DML based PAM-4 signal transmission over a dispersion uncompensated link", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 38(3): 654-660, 2019.
(46) Gangbin Huang, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Shi Jia, and Jinlong Yu, “An optoelectronic oscillator based on series resonance cavity”, Acta Physica Sinica 65(4): 044204-1-6, 2016.
(47) Longsheng Li, Xiaoling Zhang, Deming Kong, Meihua Bi, Shi Jia, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "Digital-analog hybrid optical access integrating 56-Gbps PAM-4 signal and 5G mmwave signal by spectral null filling", IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology 39(5): 1278-1288, 2021.
(48) Xiaoling Zhang, Yan Fu, Deming Kong, Longsheng Li, Shi Jia, Jin Wei, Chen Chen, Chongfu Zhang, Kun Qiu, and Hao Hu, "224-Gbps single-photodiode PAM-4 transmission with extended transmitter bandwidth based on optical time-and-polarization interleaving", Optics Express 28(14): 21155-21164, 2020.
(49) Yan Fu, Deming Kong, Meihua Bi, Haiyun Xin, Shi Jia, Kuo Zhang, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "Computationally efficient 104 Gb/s PWL-Volterra equalized 2D-TCM-PAM8 in dispersion unmanaged DML-DD system", Optics Express 28(5): 7070-7079, 2020.
(50) Ju Wang, Jinlong Yu, Wang Miao, Bin Sun, Shi Jia, Wenrui Wang, and Qiong Wu, “Long-range, high-precision absolute distance measurement based on two optoelectronic oscillators”, Optics Letters 39(15): 4412-4415, 2014.
(51) Ju Wang, Zhifeng Li, Qiong Wu, Wenrui Wang, Shi Jia, and Jinlong Yu, “Tunable frequency upconversion based on a directly modulated DFB-LD and FP-LD injection”, Chinese Optics Letters 12(10): 100607-1-4, 2014.
(52) Qiong Wu, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Shi Jia, Gangbin Huang, Kefei Hei, and Lijuan Li, “A new scheme of measuring Sagnac effect based on microwave resonant”, Acta Physica Sinica 64(4): 044205-1-6, 2015.
(53) Kefei Hei, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Shi Jia, Qiong Wu, and Jiqiang Xue, “Variable frequency range finding technology based on double polarization modulation method and system implementation”, Acta Physica Sinica 63(10): 100602-1-6, 2014.
(54) Lijuan Li, Jinlong Yu, Ju Wang, Wenrui Wang, Shi Jia, Qiong Wu, Lixia Dou, and Biao Huang, “Alloptical broadcast technology based on aluminum-doped highly nonlinear fiber”, Optical Engineering 53(11): 116107-1-6, 2014.
(55) Haiyun Xin, Kuo Zhang, Deming Kong, Qunbi Zhuge, Yan Fu, Shi Jia, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "Nonlinear Tomlinson-Harashima precoding for direct-detected double sideband PAM-4 transmission without dispersion compensation", Optics Express 27(14): 19156- 19167, 2019.
(56) Honggang Pan, Jinlong Yu, Wenrui Wang, Gang Huang, Yi Liu, Shi Jia, and Enze Yang, “Generation of dark pulse based on semiconductor optical amplifier”, Acta Optica Sinica 34(2): 0214006-1-5, 2014.
(57) Biao Huang, Jinlong Yu, Wenrui Wang, Ju Wang, Jiqiang Xue, Yang Yu, Shi Jia, and Enze Yang, “Optical bistability and optical storage based on injection locked Fabry-Perot semiconductor laser”, Acta Physica Sinica 64(4): 044204-1-7, 2015.
(58) Honggang Pan, Jinlong Yu, Wenrui Wang, Ailing Zhang, Gang Huang, Yi Liu, Shi Jia, and Enze Yang, “Semiconductor optical amplifier based self-mode locking laser and phenomenon of dimidiate frequency”, Chinese Journal of Lasers 40(11): 1102006-1-5, 2013.
(59) Haiyun Xin, Xiaoling Zhang, Deming Kong, Shi Jia, Weisheng Hu, Hao Hu, "Carrier-recovery-free KK detection for PDM-bipolar-PAM in 100 Gb/s simplified coherent PON", in Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2021, paper F2H.4.
(60) Longsheng Li, Xiaoling Zhang, Deming Kong, Shi Jia, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "Low-cost and high-spectral-efficient co-transmission integrating 28-Gbaud PAM-4/NRZ and 5G-mmW ARoF", in European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 2020, paper Tu1G-6.
(61) Haiyun Xin, Deming Kong, Kuo Zhang, Shi Jia, Yan Fu, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "100 Gbps simplified coherent PON using carrier-suppressed PDM-PAM-4 and phsae-recovery-free KK detection", in European Conference on Optical Communications (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2019, paper 1356-1360.
(62) Wei Li, Kexin Liu, Shiwei Wang, Shi Jia, Mengyao Qiao, Xiaodan Pang, Nazar Idrees, Shilie Zheng, Xiaofeng Jin, Xianmin Zhang, and Xianbin Yu, "Probabilistic shaping-assisted bit-energy efficient THz photonic wireless transmission", in European Conference on Optical ommunications (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2019, paper 1-3.
(63) Zijie Lu, Shiwei Wang, Wei Li, Shi Jia, Lu Zhang, Mengyao Qiao, Xiaodan Pang, Nazar Idrees, Muhammad Saqlain, Xiang Gao, Xiaoxiao Cao, Changxing Lin, Qiuyu Wu, and Xianbin Yu, "26.8 m 350 GHz wireless transmission of beyond 100 Gbit/s supported by THz photonics", in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP), Post-deadline paper, Chengdu, China, Nov. 2019, paper M4D.6.
(64) Yan Fu, Deming Kong, Haiyun Xin, Shi Jia, Kuo Zhang, Meihua Bi, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "Piecewise linear equalizer for 56 Gbit/s PAM-4 signal transmission using DML with large adiabatic chirp", in European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2019, paper 362-366.
(65) Yan Fu, Xiaoling Zhang, Deming Kong, Longsheng Li, Shi Jia, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "Singlephotodiode 100 Gbaud PAM-6 transmission with extended transmitter bandwidth using optical time and polarization interleaving", in Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Francisco, CA, USA, June 2021, paper Th4E.5.
(66) Yan Fu, Deming Kong, Haiyun Xin, Meihua Bi, Shi Jia, Kuo Zhang, Weisheng Hu, and Hao Hu, "Computationally efficient 120 Gb/s/λ PWL equalized 2D-TCM-PAM8 in dispersion unmanaged DML-DD system", in Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC), San Diego, CA, USA, March 2020, paper T3I.5.
(67) Xianbin Yu, Shiwei Wang, Zijie Lu, Wei Li, Shi Jia, Lu Zhang, Mengyao Qiao, and Xianmin Zhang, "100 Gbit/s 350 GHz photonic-wireless transmission", in 13th UK-Europe-China Workshop on Millimetre-Waves and Terahertz Technologies (UCMMT), Tianjin, China, Sept. 2020, 9296114.
(1) Xianbin Yu, Lu Zhang, Xianmin Zhang, Shi Jia, Hao Hu, Toshio Morioka, Leif K. Oxenløwe, and Xiaodan Pang, "Photonics-aided 300–500 GHz wireless communications beyond 100 Gbps", in Springer Series in Optical Sciences, Book chapter, Volume 234, Chapter 45, pp. 467-472, 2022.
(1) 2022:国家自然科学基金海外优青获得者
(2) 2022:天津大学“北洋学者-英才计划”----英才教授
(3) 2019: 天津市优秀博士学位论文
(4) 2019: 丹麦Otto Mønsteds Fond 基金会奖金
(5) 2017:欧盟玛丽·居里学者奖: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship
(6) 2017: 天津大学优秀博士学位论文
(7) 2015: 国家奖学金 (博士生)
(1) 国际期刊Journal of Frontiers in Communications and Networks 的编委、评审编辑及定期审稿人 (Member of the Editorial Board, Review Editor, Regular Reviewer)
(2) 国际学术期刊独立审稿人:IEEE/OSA: Journal of Lightwave Technology; SOA: Optics Letters, Optics Express; Elsevier: Optics Communications; China Communications